Trade Agreements
Vietnam is a full member of, or signatory to, a number of international trade-related associations and agreements, as well as environmental pacts. Among them are the following:
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization aims to foster sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. It promotes free and open trade and investment, regional economic integration, economic and technical cooperation, human security, and a favorable and sustainable business environment.
Members | |||
Australia | Indonesia | Peru | Thailand |
Brunei | Japan | Philippines | United States |
Canada | Malaysia | Russia | Vietnam |
Chile | Mexico | Singapore | |
China | New Zealand | South Korea | |
Hong Kong | Papua New Guinea | Taipei |
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The Asian Development Bank is dedicated to reducing, and ultimately eradicating, poverty in the Asia and Pacific region. Founded in 1966, it supports its member countries through loans, grants, policy dialogue, technical assistance, and equity investments, with an emphasis on infrastructure, health care services, financial and public administration systems, climate, and natural-resource management.
Regional Members | |||
Afghanistan | Hong Kong | Mongolia | South Korea |
Armenia | India | Myanmar | Sri Lanka |
Australia | Indonesia | Nauru | Taipei |
Azerbaijan | Japan | Nepal | Tajikistan |
Bangladesh | Kazakhstan | New Zealand | Thailand |
Bhutan | Kiribati | Pakistan | Timor-Leste |
Brunei | Kyrgyzstan | Palau | Tonga |
Cambodia | Laos | Papua New Guinea | Turkmenistan |
China | Malaysia | Philippines | Tuvalu |
Cook Islands | Maldives | Samoa | Uzbekistan |
Fiji | Marshall Islands | Singapore | Vanuatu |
Georgia | Micronesia | Solomon Islands | Vietnam |
Non-Regional Members | |||
Austria | France | Netherlands | Switzerland |
Belgium | Germany | Norway | Turkey |
Canada | Ireland | Portugal | UK |
Denmark | Italy | Spain | US |
Finland | Luxembourg | Sweden |
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
ASEAN aims to build a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian nations by helping accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region. It promotes regional peace and stability through collaboration and mutual assistance in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative fields.
Members | |||
Brunei | Laos | Philippines | Vietnam |
Cambodia | Malaysia | Singapore | |
Indonesia | Myanmar | Thailand |
Coalition of Agricultural Exporting Nations (Cairns Group)
The Cairns Group is a coalition of 20 agricultural exporting countries from Latin America, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. Together the members account for more than 25 percent of the world’s agricultural exports. Consisting of both developed and developing economies, the Cairns Group advocates for the liberalization of agricultural trade. Its goals include the elimination of export subsidies, tariff controls, and clearer rules surrounding subsidy commitments.
Members | |||
Argentina | Chile | Malaysia | Philippines |
Australia | Colombia | New Zealand | South Africa |
Bolivia | Costa Rica | Pakistan | Thailand |
Brazil | Guatemala | Paraguay | Uruguay |
Canada | Indonesia | Peru | Vietnam |
Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonized System, or HS)
The Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System is an international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization. It is made up of about 5,000 commodity groups identified by a six-digit code. A product’s code determines the applicable duty rate, and indicates what licenses or permits are required. The HS contributes to the harmonization of customs and trade procedures, and reduces costs associated with international trade. The HS, in use in more than 200 countries, is also used to classify goods for other purposes, such as internal taxes, trade policies, monitoring of controlled goods, rules of origin, freight tariffs, transport statistics, price monitoring, quota controls, compilation of national accounts, and economic research and analysis.
Parties | |||
Afghanistan | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Lebanon | Saint Lucia |
Albania | Denmark | Lesotho | Samoa |
Algeria | Djibouti | Liberia | Sao Tome and Principe |
Andorra | Dominican Republic | Libya | Saudi Arabia |
Angola | Ecuador | Lithuania | Senegal |
Argentina | Egypt | Luxembourg | Serbia |
Armenia | El Salvador | Macau-China | Seychelles |
Australia | Eritrea | Macedonia | Sierra Leone |
Austria | Estonia | Madagascar | Singapore |
Azerbaijan | Ethiopia | Malawi | Slovakia |
Bahamas | European Union | Malaysia | Slovenia |
Bahrain | Fiji | Maldives | Somalia |
Bangladesh | Finland | Mali | South Africa |
Barbados | France | Malta | South Korea |
Belarus | Gabon | Mauritania | South Sudan |
Belgium | Gambia | Mauritius | Spain |
Belize | Georgia | Mexico | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Germany | Moldova | Sudan |
Bermuda | Ghana | Mongolia | Swaziland |
Bhutan | Greece | Montenegro | Sweden |
Bolivia | Guatemala | Morocco | Switzerland |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guinea | Mozambique | Syria |
Botswana | Guinea Bissau | Myanmar | Tajikistan |
Brazil | Guyana | Namibia | Tanzania |
Brunei Darussalam | Haiti | Nepal | Thailand |
Bulgaria | Honduras | Netherlands | Timor Leste |
Burkina Faso | Hong Kong-China | New Zealand | Togo |
Burundi | Hungary | Nicaragua | Tonga |
Cambodia | Iceland | Niger | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cameroon | India | Nigeria | Tunisia |
Canada | Indonesia | Norway | Turkey |
Cape Verde | Iran | Oman | Turkmenistan |
Central African Republic | Iraq | Pakistan | Uganda |
Chad | Ireland | Panama | UK |
Chile | Israel | Papua New Guinea | Ukraine |
China | Italy | Paraguay | United Arab Emirates |
Colombia | Jamaica | Peru | Uruguay |
Costa Rica | Japan | Philippines | US |
Comoros | Jordan | Poland | Uzbekistan |
Côte d'Ivoire | Kazakhstan | Portugal | Vanuatu |
Croatia | Kenya | Qatar | Venezuela |
Cuba | Kuwait | Republic of the Congo | Vietnam |
Curacao | Kyrgyzstan | Romania | Yemen |
Cyprus | Laos | Russia | Zambia |
Czech Republic | Latvia | Rwanda | Zimbabwe |
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
The Generalized System of Preferences is a system of exemptions that requires all WTO members to treat imports from all other member states equally and provides free rates of duty on imports from developing countries.
Members | |||
Afghanistan | Costa Rica | China-Macau | Samoa |
Albania | Côte d’Ivoire | Macedonia | Samoa (American) |
Algeria | Croatia | Madagascar | São Tomé and Príncipe |
American Samoa | Cuba | Malawi | Saudi Arabia |
Angola | Djibouti | Malaysia | Senegal |
Anguilla | Dominica | Maldives | Serbia |
Antarctica | Dominican Republic | Mali LDC | Seychelles |
Antigua and Barbuda | Ecuador | Marshall Islands | Sierra Leone |
Antilles (Netherlands) | Egypt | Mauritania LDC | Singapore |
Argentina | El Salvador | Mauritius | Solomon Islands |
Armenia | Equatorial Guinea | Mayotte | Somalia |
Aruba | Eritrea | Mexico | South Africa |
Ascension | Ethiopia | Micronesia | South Korea |
Azerbaijan | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | Moldova | Southern Sandwich Islands |
Bahamas | Fiji | Mongolia | Sri Lanka |
Bahrain | French Polynesia | Montenegro | Sudan |
Bangladesh | French Southern and Antarctic Territories | Montserrat | Suriname |
Barbados | Gabon | Morocco | Swaziland |
Belarus | Gambia | Mozambique | Syria |
Belize | Georgia | Myanmar | China-Taiwan |
Benin | Ghana | Namibia | Tajikistan |
Bermuda | Gibraltar | Nauru | Tanzania |
Bhutan | Greenland | Nepal | Thailand |
Bolivia | Grenada | New Caledonia and Dependencies | Timor-Leste |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guam | Nicaragua | Togo |
Botswana | Guatemala | Niger | Tokelau |
Bouvet Islands | Guinea | Nigeria | Tonga |
Brazil | Guinea-Bissau | Niue | Trinidad and Tobago |
British Antarctic Territory | Guyana | Norfolk Island | Tristan da Cunha |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Haiti | North Africa (Spain) | Tunisia |
British Virgin Islands | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | North Korea | Turkey |
Brunei Darussalam | Honduras | Northern Mariana Islands | Turkmenistan |
Burkina Faso | China-Hong Kong | Occupied Palestinian Territories | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Burundi | India | Oman | Tuvalu |
Cambodia | Indonesia | Pakistan | Uganda |
Cameroon | Iran | Palau | Ukraine |
Canary Islands | Iraq | Panama | United Arab Emirates |
Cape Verde | Israel | Papua New Guinea | Uruguay |
Caroline Islands | Jamaica | Paraguay | US Minor Outlying Islands |
Cayman Islands | Jordan | Peru | Uzbekistan |
Central African Republic | Kazakhstan | Philippines | Vanuatu |
Ceuta and Melilla | Kenya | Pitcairn Island | Venezuela |
Chad | Kiribati | Qatar | Vietnam |
Chile | Kosovo | Russia | Virgin Islands (UK) |
China | Kuwait | Rwanda | Virgin Islands (US) |
Christmas Island | Kyrgyzstan | Saint Helena and Dependencies | Wallis and Futuna Islands |
Cocos | Laos | Saint Kitts and Nevis | West Bank and Gaza Strip |
Colombia | Lebanon | Saint Lucia | Western Sahara |
Comoros | Lesotho | Saint Martin | Yemen |
Congo | Liberia | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Zambia |
Cook Islands | Libya | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Zimbabwe |
Group of 77 (G-77)
Established by seventy-seven developing countries in 1964, the Group of 77 has grown to include 134 countries and is the largest intergovernmental organization of developing countries in the United Nations. It provides its member nations with a means to articulate their shared interests and positions on economic development and monetary policy at the UN, and to promote their collective interests in global discussions and negotiations.
Members | |||
Afghanistan | Dominica | Malawi | Saudi Arabia |
Algeria | Dominican Republic | Malaysia | Senegal |
Angola | Ecuador | Maldives | Seychelles |
Antigua and Barbuda | Egypt | Mali | Sierra Leone |
Argentina | El Salvador | Marshall Islands | Singapore |
Bahamas | Equatorial Guinea | Mauritania | Solomon Islands |
Bahrain | Eritrea | Mauritius | Somalia |
Bangladesh | Ethiopia | Micronesia | South Africa |
Barbados | Fiji | Mongolia | South Sudan |
Belize | Gabon | Morocco | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Gambia | Mozambique | Sudan |
Bhutan | Ghana | Myanmar | Suriname |
Bolivia | Grenada | Namibia | Swaziland |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guatemala | Nauru | Syrian Arab Republic |
Botswana | Guinea | Nepal | Tajikistan |
Brazil | Guinea-Bissau | Nicaragua | Tanzania |
Brunei Darussalam | Guyana | Niger | Thailand |
Burkina Faso | Haiti | Nigeria | Timor-Leste |
Burundi | Honduras | North Korea | Togo |
Cambodia | India | Oman | Tonga |
Cameroon | Indonesia | Pakistan | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cape Verde | Iran | Palestine | Tunisia |
Central African Republic | Iraq | Panama | Turkmenistan |
Chad | Jamaica | Papua New Guinea | Uganda |
Chile | Jordan | Paraguay | United Arab Emirates |
China | Kenya | Peru | Uruguay |
Colombia | Kiribati | Philippines | Vanuatu |
Comoros | Kuwait | Qatar | Venezuela |
Congo | Laos | Rwanda | Vietnam |
Costa Rica | Lebanon | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Yemen |
Côte d'Ivoire | Lesotho | Saint Lucia | Zambia |
Cuba | Liberia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Zimbabwe |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Libya | Samoa | |
Djibouti | Madagascar | São Tomé and Príncipe |
International Labour Organization (ILO)
The International Labour Organization, the UN’s first specialized agency, brings together government representatives, employers, and workers to promote workers' rights. It also encourages employment opportunities, enhances social protection, and strengthens dialogue in handling labor-related issues.
Members | |||
Afghanistan | Denmark | Laos | Saint Lucia |
Albania | Denmark-Faroe Islands | Latvia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Algeria | Denmark-Greenland | Lebanon | Samoa |
American Samoa | Djibouti | Lesotho | San Marino |
Angola | Dominica | Liberia | São Tomé and Príncipe |
Anguilla | Dominican Republic | Libya | Saudi Arabia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Ecuador | Lithuania | Senegal |
Argentina | Egypt | Luxembourg | Serbia |
Armenia | El Salvador | Macedonia | Seychelles |
Aruba | Equatorial Guinea | Madagascar | Sierra Leone |
Australia | Eritrea | Malawi | Singapore |
Australia-Norfolk Island | Estonia | Malaysia | Sint Maarten |
Austria | Ethiopia | Malaysia-Peninsular Malaysia | Slovakia |
Azerbaijan | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | Malaysia-Sabah | Slovenia |
Bahamas | Fiji | Malaysia-Sarawak | Solomon Islands |
Bahrain | Finland | Maldives | Somalia |
Bangladesh | France | Mali | South Africa |
Barbados | France-French Polynesia | Malta | South Korea |
Belarus | France-French Southern and Antarctic Territories | Marshall Islands | South Sudan |
Belgium | France-New Caledonia | Mauritania | Spain |
Belize | Gabon | Mauritius | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Gambia | Mexico | Sudan |
Bermuda | Georgia | Moldova | Suriname |
Bolivia | Germany | Mongolia | Swaziland |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Ghana | Montenegro | Sweden |
Botswana | Gibraltar | Montserrat | Switzerland |
Brazil | Greece | Morocco | Syria |
British Virgin Islands | Grenada | Mozambique | Tajikistan |
Brunei Darussalam | Guam | Myanmar | Tanganyika |
Bulgaria | Guatemala | Namibia | Tanzania |
Burkina Faso | Guernsey | Nepal | Thailand |
Burundi | Guinea | Netherlands | Timor-Leste |
Cambodia | Guinea | New Zealand | Togo |
Cameroon | Guyana | Nicaragua | Tokelau |
Canada | Haiti | Niger | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cape Verde | Honduras | Nigeria | Tunisia |
Caribbean (Netherlands) | Hungary | Northern Mariana Islands | Turkey |
Cayman Islands | Iceland | Norway | Turkmenistan |
Central African Republic | India | Oman | Tuvalu |
Chad | Indonesia | Pakistan | Uganda |
Chile | Iran | Palau | UK |
China | Iraq | Panama | Ukraine |
China-Hong Kong | Ireland | Papua New Guinea | United Arab Emirates |
China-Macau | Isle of Man | Paraguay | Uruguay |
Colombia | Israel | Peru | US |
Comoros | Italy | Philippines | Uzbekistan |
Congo | Jamaica | Poland | Vanuatu |
Costa Rica | Japan | Portugal | Venezuela |
Côte d’Ivoire | Jersey | Puerto Rico | Vietnam |
Croatia | Jordan | Qatar | Virgin Islands |
Cuba | Kazakhstan | Romania | Yemen |
Curaçao | Kenya | Russia | Zambia |
Cyprus | Kiribati | Rwanda | Zanzibar |
Czech Republic | Kuwait | Saint Helena | Zimbabwe |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Kyrgyzstan | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The International Monetary Fund aims to promote global monetary and exchange stability, facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, and assist in the establishment of a multilateral system of payments for current transactions.
Members | |||
Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Lithuania | San Marino |
Albania | Ecuador | Luxembourg | São Tomé and Príncipe |
Algeria | Egypt | Macedonia | Saudi Arabia |
Angola | El Salvador | Madagascar | Senegal |
Antigua and Barbuda | Equatorial Guinea | Malawi | Serbia |
Argentina | Eritrea | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Armenia | Estonia | Maldives | Sierra Leone |
Australia | Ethiopia | Mali | Singapore |
Austria | Fiji | Malta | Slovak Republic |
Azerbaijan | Finland | Marshall Islands | Slovenia |
Bahamas | France | Mauritania | Solomon Islands |
Bahrain | Gabon | Mauritius | Somalia |
Bangladesh | Gambia | Mexico | South Africa |
Barbados | Georgia | Micronesia | South Sudan |
Belarus | Germany | Moldova | Spain |
Belgium | Ghana | Mongolia | Sri Lanka |
Belize | Greece | Montenegro | Sudan |
Benin | Grenada | Morocco | Suriname |
Bhutan | Guatemala | Mozambique | Swaziland |
Bolivia | Guinea | Myanmar | Sweden |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guinea-Bissau | Namibia | Switzerland |
Botswana | Guyana | Nepal | Syria |
Brazil | Haiti | Netherlands | Tajikistan |
Brunei | Honduras | New Zealand | Tanzania |
Bulgaria | Hungary | Nicaragua | Thailand |
Burkina Faso | Iceland | Niger | Timor-Leste |
Burundi | India | Nigeria | Togo |
Cambodia | Indonesia | Norway | Tonga |
Cameroon | Iran | Oman | Trinidad and Tobago |
Canada | Iraq | Pakistan | Tunisia |
Cape Verde | Ireland | Palau | Turkey |
Central African Republic | Israel | Panama | Turkmenistan |
Chad | Italy | Papua New Guinea | Tuvalu |
Chile | Jamaica | Paraguay | Uganda |
China | Japan | People’s Democratic of Yemen | UK |
Colombia | Jordan | Peru | Ukraine |
Comoros | Kazakhstan | Philippines | United Arab Emirates |
Congo | Kenya | Poland | Uruguay |
Costa Rica | Kiribati | Poland | US |
Côte d’Ivoire | Korea | Portugal | Uzbekistan |
Croatia | Kosovo | Qatar | Vanuatu |
Cuba | Kuwait | Republic of Southern Yemen | Venezuela |
Cyprus | Kyrgyzstan | Romania | Vietnam |
Czech Republic | Laos | Russia | Yemen |
Czechoslovakia | Latvia | Rwanda | Yemen Arab Republic |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Lebanon | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Yugoslavia |
Denmark | Lesotho | Saint Lucia | Zambia |
Djibouti | Liberia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Zimbabwe |
Dominica | Libya | Samoa |
Revised Kyoto Convention on Customs Procedures onventions/pf_revised_kyoto_conv.aspx
The Revised Kyoto Convention on Customs Procedures was adopted by the World Customs Organization to provide customs administrations with simple and uniform administration principles and procedures. It is aimed at bringing transparency, predictability, and efficiency to international commerce.
Parties | |||
Albania | Dominican Republic | Madagascar | Saudi Arabia |
Algeria | Egypt | Malawi | Senegal |
Armenia | Estonia | Malaysia | Serbia |
Australia | European Union | Mali | Slovakia |
Austria | Fiji | Malta | Slovenia |
Azerbaijan | Finland | Mauritius | South Africa |
Bahrain | France | Mongolia | South Korea |
Bangladesh | Gabon | Montenegro | Spain |
Belarus | Germany | Morocco | Sri Lanka |
Belgium | Greece | Mozambique | Sudan |
Bhutan | Hungary | Namibia | Swaziland |
Botswana | India | Netherlands | Sweden |
Bulgaria | Indonesia | New Zealand | Switzerland |
Cambodia | Iran | Nigeria | Togo |
Cameroon | Ireland | Norway | Turkey |
Canada | Italy | Oman | Uganda |
Cape Verde | Japan | Pakistan | UK |
China | Jordan | Papua New Guinea | Ukraine |
Côte d’Ivoire | Kazakhstan | Philippines | United Arab Emirates |
Croatia | Kenya | Poland | US |
Cuba | Latvia | Portugal | Vietnam |
Cyprus | Lesotho | Qatar | Yemen |
Czech Republic | Lithuania | Romania | Yugoslavia |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Luxembourg | Russia | Zambia |
Denmark | Macedonia | Rwanda | Zimbabwe |
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development is the UN body responsible for dealing with development issues, particularly international trade. It promotes the integration of developing nations into the world economy through research and policy analysis, technical assistance, and the facilitation of intergovernmental deliberations. Every two years, UNCTAD organizes the World Investment Forum, which brings together major players from the international investment community to discuss challenges and opportunities and to promote investment policies and partnerships for sustainable development and equitable growth.
Members | |||
Afghanistan | Ecuador | Luxembourg | San Marino |
Albania | Egypt | Macedonia | São Tomé and Príncipe |
Algeria | El Salvador | Madagascar | Saudi Arabia |
Andorra | Equatorial Guinea | Malawi | Senegal |
Angola | Eritrea | Malaysia | Serbia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Estonia | Maldives | Seychelles |
Argentina | Ethiopia | Mali | Sierra Leone |
Armenia | Fiji | Malta | Singapore |
Australia | Finland | Marshall Islands | Slovakia |
Austria | France | Mauritania | Slovenia |
Azerbaijan | Gabon | Mauritius | Solomon Islands |
Bahamas | Gambia | Mexico | Somalia |
Bahrain | Georgia | Micronesia | South Africa |
Bangladesh | Germany | Monaco | South Sudan |
Barbados | Ghana | Mongolia | Spain |
Belarus | Greece | Montenegro | Sri Lanka |
Belgium | Grenada | Morocco | Sudan |
Belize | Guatemala | Mozambique | Suriname |
Benin | Guinea | Myanmar | Swaziland |
Bhutan | Guinea-Bissau | Namibia | Sweden |
Bolivia | Guyana | Nauru | Switzerland |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Haiti | Nepal | Syrian Arab Republic |
Botswana | Holy See | Netherlands | Tajikistan |
Brazil | Honduras | New Zealand | Tanzania |
Brunei | Hungary | Nicaragua | Thailand |
Bulgaria | Iceland | Niger | Timor-Leste |
Burkina Faso | India | Nigeria | Togo |
Burundi | Indonesia | North Korea | Tonga |
Cambodia | Iran | Norway | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cameroon | Iraq | Oman | Tunisia |
Canada | Ireland | Pakistan | Turkey |
Cape Verde | Israel | Palau | Turkmenistan |
Chad | Italy | Panama | Tuvalu |
Chile | Jamaica | Papua New Guinea | Uganda |
China | Japan | Paraguay | UK |
Colombia | Jordan | Peru | Ukraine |
Comoros | Kazakhstan | Philippines | United Arab Emirates |
Congo | Kenya | Poland | Uruguay |
Costa Rica | Kiribati | Portugal | US |
Côte d'Ivoire | Kuwait | Qatar | Uzbekistan |
Croatia | Kyrgyzstan | Republic of Korea | Vanuatu |
Cuba | Laos | Republic of Moldova | Venezuela |
Cyprus | Latvia | Romania | Vietnam |
Czech Republic | Lebanon | Russia | Yemen |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Lesotho | Rwanda | Zambia |
Denmark | Liberia | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Zimbabwe |
Djibouti | Libya | Saint Lucia | |
Dominica | Liechtenstein | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
Dominican Republic | Lithuania | Samoa |
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific is the regional development arm of the United Nations for the Asia-Pacific region. It aims to promote inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in the region by focusing on such areas as trade and investment, transportation, social development, environment, and disaster risk reduction.
Members | |||
Afghanistan | Iran | Netherlands | Thailand |
Armenia | Japan | New Zealand | Timor-Leste |
Australia | Kazakhstan | North Korea | Tonga |
Azerbaijan | Kiribati | Pakistan | Turkey |
Bangladesh | Kyrgyzstan | Palau | Turkmenistan |
Bhutan | Laos | Papua New Guinea | Tuvalu |
Brunei Darussalam | Malaysia | Philippines | UK |
Cambodia | Maldives | Russia | US |
China | Marshall Islands | Samoa | Uzbekistan |
Fiji | Micronesia | Singapore | Vanuatu |
France | Mongolia | Solomon Islands | Vietnam |
Georgia | Myanmar | South Korea | |
India | Nauru | Sri Lanka | |
Indonesia | Nepal | Tajikistan |
United Nations Organization (UN), sometimes referred to as UNO
The United Nations is a world intergovernmental organization aimed at fostering global peace and security, economic development, social progress, and human rights. Its four main purposes are: to keep peace throughout the world; to develop friendly relations among nations; to help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms; and to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.
Members | |||
Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Luxembourg | São Tomé and Príncipe |
Albania | Ecuador | Macedonia | Saudi Arabia |
Algeria | Egypt | Madagascar | Senegal |
Andorra | El Salvador | Malawi | Serbia |
Angola | Equatorial Guinea | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Antigua and Barbuda | Eritrea | Maldives | Sierra Leone |
Argentina | Estonia | Mali | Singapore |
Armenia | Ethiopia | Malta | Slovakia |
Australia | Fiji | Marshall Islands | Slovenia |
Austria | Finland | Mauritania | Solomon Islands |
Azerbaijan | France | Mauritius | Somalia |
Bahamas | Gabon | Mexico | South Africa |
Bahrain | Gambia | Micronesia | South Korea |
Bangladesh | Georgia | Moldova | South Sudan |
Barbados | Germany | Monaco | Spain |
Belarus | Ghana | Mongolia | Sri Lanka |
Belgium | Greece | Montenegro | Sudan |
Belize | Grenada | Morocco | Suriname |
Benin | Guatemala | Mozambique | Swaziland |
Bhutan | Guinea | Myanmar | Sweden |
Bolivia | Guinea-Bissau | Namibia | Switzerland |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guyana | Nauru | Syrian Arab Republic |
Botswana | Haiti | Nepal | Tajikistan |
Brazil | Honduras | Netherlands | Tanzania |
Brunei | Hungary | New Zealand | Thailand |
Bulgaria | Iceland | Nicaragua | Timor-Leste |
Burkina Faso | India | Niger | Togo |
Burundi | Indonesia | Nigeria | Tonga |
Cambodia | Iran | North Korea | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cameroon | Iraq | Norway | Tunisia |
Canada | Ireland | Oman | Turkey |
Cape Verde | Israel | Pakistan | Turkmenistan |
Central African Republic | Italy | Palau | Tuvalu |
Chad | Jamaica | Panama | Uganda |
Chile | Japan | Papua New Guinea | UK |
China | Jordan | Paraguay | Ukraine |
Colombia | Kazakhstan | Peru | United Arab Emirates |
Comoros | Kenya | Philippines | Uruguay |
Congo | Kiribati | Poland | US |
Costa Rica | Kuwait | Portugal | Uzbekistan |
Côte d'Ivoire | Kyrgyzstan | Qatar | Vanuatu |
Croatia | Laos | Romania | Venezuela |
Cuba | Latvia | Russia | Vietnam |
Cyprus | Lebanon | Rwanda | Yemen |
Czech Republic | Lesotho | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Zambia |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Liber
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